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Dual Language

Spanish Immersion

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Students have the opportunity to learn their second language while receiving the academically excellent and Biblically-rooted core curriculum that Crown Point Christian School offers all students. The program begins in kindergarten and expands throughout middle-school.

Imagine Your Child Being Fluent in Spanish

The Benefits

Improved understanding of the English language

Positive influence on student’s brain development

Improved flexibility in thinking, greater sensitivity to language, and a better ear for listening

Increased ability to learn additional language

Open mind and heart to other cultures; better understanding and appreciation of people from other countries

Increased job opportunities in many careers

Program Overview K-2

Students receive 100% of their core content instruction in Spanish. This includes Reading, Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Bible. Teachers use visuals, motions, repetition, and modeling to ensure comprehensible input for students.


Students learn how to use strategies such as circumlocution (using the words they know to explain the words they do not know) to help them communicate only in Spanish.

Program Overview 3-5

Once students reach 3rd grade, an intentional program of English-specific skills is taught, alongside a slowly increasing amount of instructional minutes in English to practice and reinforce those skills. Special classes continue to be taught in English.

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Our Christ-Centered Elementary & Middle School Curriculum is Offered in Both English & Dual Language Spanish Immersion
Early Childhood

Program Overview 6-8

 In middle school, students begin a secondary continuation program. The students take three courses: Spanish Language Arts, Bible, and Social Studies, which are designed to work together to expand their vocabulary and deepen their ability to read, write, speak, and listen to Spanish at an advanced level. Students have the opportunity to continue their dual language education at a partner Christian high school.


Dual Language Spanish Immersion FAQs

  • What are the benefits of dual language immersion education?
    positive influence on student’s brain development improved flexibility in thinking, greater sensitivity to language, and a better ear for listening improved understanding of English language increased ability to learn additional languages open mind and heart to other cultures; better understanding and appreciation of people from other countries increased job opportunities in many careers
  • How can I support my child at home if I don’t speak Spanish?
    Listen to your child read to you in Spanish. Ask them to explain what they understood from the text to you. Read to your child in English. Choose both fiction and non-fiction texts and aim for at least 20 minutes of reading aloud to your child each day. Introduce English-language word games like crossword puzzles, word searches, Scrabble and Taboo. Ask your child about what they learned in school. Even if they learned it in Spanish, they can still explain it to you in English. If you know the topics that they will be tested over, ask them to explain those topics to you in English as a review. Smile whenever you hear Spanish spoken and make sincere comments to your child about how amazing it is to be bilingual. Research shows that students whose parents have positive attitudes towards the target language do better in immersion programs. Consider creatively including some Spanish in your family time. For example, listen to music in Spanish, when you watch an age-appropriate movie, change the audio to Spanish, visit a hispanic grocery store, or look for a Latino festival to attend. Trust that your child can be successful in immersion education and reach out to your child’s teacher if you need some extra support.
  • When will my child learn English? Will they be behind?
    The focus of our Dual Language Immersion program is additive bilingualism, which means that students add a second language with no cost to their first language since languages are interdependent. Skills that students develop in the second language are available for learning and using in the first language, and vice-versa. For instance, students learn about reading left-to-right, the parts of a book, sentence structure, a paragraph, and mechanics of story and plot; all of these learnings can transfer from one language to another. The pieces of the language that do not transfer are the skills we address in English-specific skills starting in 3rd grade, along with the subject or subjects taught in English in 3rd-5th grade as reinforcement for those skills. Research shows that “the effect of learning a second language on first-language skills has been positive in all studies done…. [and] the loss of instructional time in English has never been shown to have negative effects on the achievement of the first language” (Bournot-Trites & Tellowitz, 2002). In fact, in general immersion students match and often surpass English track students’ performance by 4th or 5th Grade after first-language literacy skills are introduced (Turnbull, Hart & Lapkin, 2000).
  • How do we know that the program is effective and current?
    Crown Point Christian School partners with addalingua, an organization that supports schools in their implementation of dual language programs. We do this to ensure that students are receiving not only enough Spanish, but the right Spanish, at the right time, and assessing student growth in Spanish on a set schedule. Being a partner school also means being part of a professional learning network that follows the same program design as we do. Our partnership allows us to participate in a rigorous and comprehensive professional development sequence and utilize the most up-to-date, relevant research in the field of dual language immersion education.

Contact Us

10550 Park Place

St. John, IN 46373



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